Friday, January 25, 2008

Snow Day Rant...Heard Across the Nation

It's winter time and in the winter, it snows. For many students, snow means snow day (aka. no school). For a student in Fairfax Virginia, a message questioning the headmasters decision to not close school turned into more than expected. When the student recieved a returned voicemail from the headmaster's wife, he decided to post the sound clip as a video on the ever popular YouTube.

The video clip can be seen here:

While many laugh at the clip, or say that the student crossed boundries in calling the headmaster at his home number, I think there is more to be learned from the situation. Nothing said if off the record! For instance, this womans voicemail is now being heard by thousands of people. As a communications student, I find it important to recognize that everything written or said has the potential to make or break your reputation. While technological advances, like this blog, for instance, are greatly improving the world of public relations and communications, it is necessary to recognize their potential for destruction as well. The world of technology is booming, and it is up to communications experts to keep up. So the next time you make a phone call, remember not to say anything that you wouldn't mind a couple thousand extra ears hearing!

Until next time...

1 comment:

College Bloggers said...

So very true. And a very important topic. Where is all this going? How much of our privacy are we willing to surrender in the name of technology? This would be something to continue studying.
--Prof. Flournoy