Monday, February 11, 2008

Campaigning For Our Generation

It has become increasingly evident to me that this coming election is importnat to not only the world, but more specifically, to my generation. Candidates are aiming their messages at the younger voters for obvious reasons; we hold the key to their success. It is the young voters that now get to take a stance and decide which policies are closest to their hearts.

I used to believe that politics were of no importance to me...honestly, I used to find watching debates or interviews boring. However, after taking classes like Media and Politics, my views have changed. I have actually grown to love the political world. Today, I feel as though I can carry on an intelligent conversation about this years election. But thinking about this has made me realize how many people my age are out there that can not even name which candidates are running. If this election is aimed at our generation, how can we be expected to vote when most young voters are so out of tune with what is even going on? I hope that more people become aware of this situation and urge others to be proactive in this upcoming election.

I hope we can step up to the challenge of what is being thrown at us! There is quite a bit of responsability resting on our shoulders....the world is counting on us!

1 comment:

Aaron Buchbinder said...

I agree with your post. It is really up to our generation and it makes me think of all the old crazy campaigns that were on MTV. WE really need to find a source so everyone can relate and understand what this election is really about. Im just scared that our generation will vote because of what their parents or friends tell them and not by their own true actions.